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Company Picnics

Company Picnics

Company Picnics are a great way to thank employees for their hard work. It strengthens bonds between employees. They’re also a great way to show your company values.

Though the economy has it’s up and downs, company picnics are the one thing your company should not cut out of the budget. This one day may not seem important on the surface, but it can really serve many purposes within among your employees and within your company. Think about it as more than a lost work day or a drain on funds, instead think about the following benefits your company will reap all year long.

Company picnics are the perfect way to build teamwork and camaraderie. It is the perfect environment for employees to let their guards down and get to know one another. People who work in different departments and others who are not normally able to interact on an everyday basis will get a chance to talk in a laid back atmosphere. It’s about building connections that just can’t be made in the office.

Everyone wants to work for a company that understands family comes first. All year long, there are meetings and other functions that are for workers only, so opening up the company picnic to families shows your support. An added bonus is the connections now felt between your company and the spouses and children of your employees.

The most important thing is that everyone just have a good time. Company picnics allow everyone to step outside the normal environment and forget the stress of the work day. Be sure to create a fun atmosphere by having activities for the kids, team building games for the adults and exciting entertainment for all!

Remember, company picnics are not a waste of time or money. When done right, employees will leave feeling rejuvenated, appreciated, and motivated. Your company will be seeing the benefits long after the event.