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Shareholder Meetings

Shareholder Meetings

Shareholder and board meetings are an imperative part of any company’s communication and planning strategy.

Annual shareholder meetings are important events for shareholders of listed and also unlisted companies. In the United States, every corporation is required to hold an annual stockholders meeting. Even corporations that are not based in the United States hold these annual meetings. There are several purposes for these meetings:

The focus of the shareholder meetings is the election of the Board of Directors. The board of directors makes many of the decisions of the corporation.

The annual meeting is a chance for the shareholders to review the annual reports. This includes information about the fiscal well-being of the company. If there have been losses or gains, these will be included.

Most companies allow shareholders to vote on certain key issues besides the Board of Directors. Some of the issues include investments and acquisitions of other companies.

The shareholders will get a look at new products or services that will be introduced in the upcoming year.

Planning a Shareholder Meeting

Many corporations have meeting planners on staff or allow their marketing department to plan these important gatherings. But often the planning is outsourced to a professional company. Some of the special considerations when planning an annual meeting include the corporate climate. Microsoft’s annual meeting no doubt has a different “feel” than the annual meeting for a ‘hip,” youthful company that sells jeans. The corporate climate can affect every aspect of planning the meeting including:

An annual meeting for a conservative company may consist of sitting in a convention hall voting on corporate matters. Later a formal dinner with a guest speaker may take place. Some companies may create a ‘rock-n-roll’ atmosphere complete with a popular band. The attire may be casual.

Finally, many corporations are choosing to hold virtual annual meetings to save money. These meetings include more planning than making sure everyone is online at the same time. You have to arrange for a secure connection for the meeting. You can find many free sites online that offer virtual conferencing for free. Votes can also be placed virtually. Most United States allows companies to host their annual shareholder meetings remotely.  If this is you, be sure to check out our Audio Visual Packages.

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